Wednesday, February 8, 2012


well, my blog is underconstraction and so am I -_-

that 'C' for (almost) crazy.
I got so many works to do, that's why I don't have so much time to writing here, so sorry ._.v

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

story without ending

haaa..... miss you so much ({})
long time not sharing u.u

awal bulan desember kemarin gue emang lagi ribet-ribetnya sama ulangan semester.
dan setelah itu gue ribet ga jelas --without knowing what make me really seem so busy.
yang jelas rapot gue bener-bener ga memuaskan.
rata-rata gue turun begitupun dengan rankingnya TT--TT

gue sempet stress berat gara-gara itu.
gue hampir aja menyalahkan seseorang atas itu semua, tapi untungnya gue masih normal jadi ga jadi deh..
stop blaming!! no one should...
kadang kita harus perlu menenangkan diri dulu dan berfikir 'emangnya kegagalan yang kita alami itu betulan salah seseorang atau emang kitanya aja yang ceroboh?'

no matter what, i'll try my best later..

" make your experiences as your the best teacher "

duh, sakin banyaknya kok gue sampe ga tau lagi mau nulis apa ya --?
banyak banget masalah yang gue hadapin, just look like a story without ending -__-

oh ya, I've watched a comedy-romance movie..

a little thing called   love / first love.
Mario Maurer and Baifern Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul

they are look so sweet together, aren't they?
but it just a movie ._.

they are the main characters

she played as Nam in a 'little thing called love', who an ugly girl on the first but she changes herself to be better because of her first love, Shone.

a little thing called love tell us how love can change everything including our personality.

she is so beautiful, right?

I like her smile :)

and he is Shone!!

oh I know the reasons why Nam really love him now....... he just so damn cute :p 

how handsome *.*

yang jelas gue suka sama comedy di film ini, walaupun alur ceritanya udah kaya ftv di Indonesia aja -_-v
Mario, your smile.......... *keabisan kata-kata*
yang jelas amanat di film a little thing called love tuh --> " cinta itu seharusnya dijadikan kekuatan yang bisa membawa kita ke tempat terbaik bukan justru sebaliknya. "

ih masa gue ngarep jadi Namnya (?)
I wanna be fashion designer too and of course I wanna be loved by someone who I love too u.u

Saturday, November 26, 2011

kamus mode Indonesia

good night all u.u
I wanna share something bad, I have done a test for math in my school..
I feel i'll lose on that, i'm pretty believe it...
I felt like the stupidest though i haven't know yet about the result -_-

then let's forget about it, I just wanna be happy and forget every hard things in my life for a while.
let me show you these pictures ~~

i just found and bought it in Gramedia.
a really recommended for everyone who work in fashion world :)

quotes for today :
" don't face your problem with your bad temper " -Sabrina Asrianty